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Showing results 1-10 out of 93,500,000 for telescope
nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim: Find, Filter, Preview, Pick ... - GitHub 

github.com • Found on Google

Find, Filter, Preview, Pick. All lua, all the time. - nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim.

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Introducing: Advanced Git Search (Telescope extension) : r/neovim 

www.reddit.com • Found on Google

Mar 2, 2023 ... Telescope extension to search the repository's history and inspect these commits by opening a diff of the current file, show the commit in the ...

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MyTelescope: Forecast the future 

www.mytelescope.io • Found on Google

Your AI assistant for forecasting future market opportunities with Share of Search Analysis.

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How can I find across files using Telescope? : r/neovim 

www.reddit.com • Found on Google

Feb 8, 2022 ... You can use vim.fn.input() to prompt for a search term, then pass it into the search prop. local ...

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neovim - How to include specific hidden file/folder in search result ... 

stackoverflow.com • Found on Google

Apr 9, 2022 ... Telescope uses ripgrep to search through files. By default, ripgrep ignores several groups of files, including hidden files (dotfiles) and ...

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Can I Use Telescope To Find all Commands and Functions? : r/neovim 

www.reddit.com • Found on Google

Apr 23, 2023 ... You can get close with a mix of :Telescope commands (for command mode commands), :Telescope keymaps (like you already said) and :Telescope ...

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neovim - Can I use Telescope to find all commands and functions ... 

vi.stackexchange.com • Found on Google

Apr 23, 2023 ... I am trying to do the same with Telescope, but Neovim works a little differently. There are no "commands" per se, but functions that you can ...

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Kepler / K2 

science.nasa.gov • Found on Google

The Kepler space telescope was NASA's first planet-hunting mission, assigned to search a portion of the Milky Way galaxy for Earth-sized planets orbiting ...

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What kind of telescope would be good for an amateur UFO search ... 

www.quora.com • Found on Google

Jul 25, 2017 ... Several things: * telescopes do not take photos. Cameras do and may take them through a telescope. Any telescope can be fitted with a camera ...

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How the James Webb Space Telescope will search for ... 

www.astronomy.com • Found on Google

Apr 22, 2022 ... How the James Webb Space Telescope will search for extraterrestrial life · Probing exoplanets. Now, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has ...

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